Crystal's Double Duty Hoodie

Hey! I am Crystal, I am mommy to a one year old daughter and two year old son. In my spare time I love to sew and blog about it over at Stitched by Crystal. I was given the Fishsticks Designs Charlie Tee and Hoodie pattern to make a sweatshirt for my son.  Not just a plain old hoodie though, I was asked to get creative and put a fun spin on the pattern.  No problem! I love doing stuff like this!
Sharks are pretty popular in my house right now (or "sharp teeth" as my son likes to call them) so I added a fin and some teeth to make this awesome shark hoodie.   Looks like a plain sweatshirt from the from front with the hood down, but then flip up the hood it's a shark!
I felt pretty silly taking my son out for a bike ride in mid July, in Florida, wearing a fleece hoodie.  But he likes the sweatshirt so much he didn't mind at all.  In fact after I got the all pictures I needed, I went to take it off of him and he wanted to leave it on!
This could make a cute and easy Halloween costume paired with some grey sweatpants.  Add my shark trick-or-treat bag from last year and your little one would be set!  It would be super warm and cozy too for a cold Halloween night.
To make the sweatshirt into a shark I just made a few quick additions.  The pattern for the hood is cut on the fold, and that fold is right where I wanted my fin to go.  So instead I cut two hood pieces, adding a little room for seam allowance where the fold was supposed to be.  Then I cut out my fin and teeth pieces (2 of each), you can see some rough measurements I used in the photo below.
I sewed my fin and teeth pieces right sides together, clipped the corners and turned them right side out.  I sandwiched the fin between my hood pieces when I sewed my hood.  Then I basted the teeth to the edge and added some button eyes.  Once I had all that done, I finished the hoodie following the pattern directions.
The end result is so fun!